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Six body changes to expect during early pregnancy

Pregnancy is a life changing event in a woman’s life. For those who have just got pregnant, it’s natural to be overwhelmed, and at times nervous about the changes that you might experience. Though visible changes occur only from the second trimester onwards, knowing about the emotional and physical changes in the initial weeks can make you feel confident and prepared for your parenthood journey.

If you are pregnant, below are six things that you might relate with. These are prominent and normal changes one experiences during their first few weeks of conceiving. However, if you have not confirmed your pregnancy yet, it is important to understand that these changes can also happen due to some other health conditions or lifestyle modifications and you may need to see a doctor.

1. Missed periods

This could be one of the first things you will observe during pregnancy. When an egg is fertilized, it implants itself in the lining of the uterus. After implantation, a hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is produced to maintain the pregnancy. It is the same hormone that signals the ovaries to stop releasing eggs every month, causing you to miss your periods.

2. Slight bleeding and spotting

After conception, the fertilized egg implants itself to the lining of the uterus, causing light vaginal spotting. This happens anytime between six to twelve days after the egg is fertilized and you may mistake this as your menstrual bleeding, but it’s usually light in colour.

Additionally, you may also observe a white discharge from your vagina, that occurs due to thickening of vaginal walls right after the conception.

3. Lack of energy

In the initial weeks, your body adjusts and prepares itself to support the pregnancy. The extra production of a hormone, progesterone, after conception leads to an increase in body temperature, making you feel sleepy or tired throughout the day. Several other factors, such as increased production of blood, low blood pressure and sugar levels can also add up to the fatigue.

4. Breast changes

Breast changes is another early sign of pregnancy. After conception your hormonal levels rapidly change and your breasts might become tender and sensitive or may feel heavier or fuller.

5. Nausea

Nausea, or morning sickness, is something that the majority of pregnant women experience in their first month. The extra progesterone produced makes your regular body processes such as digestion slow down, hence causing these symptoms.

6. Need to use the loo more often

Frequent urination and constipation is a usual symptom women experience when they’re pregnant. This can be caused due to the spiking hormone production, increased blood flow to the kidneys, and your swelling uterus puts a pressure to your bladder, making you take bathroom breaks more often. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat fibers to assist your digestion.

Few other things you may things you may experience:

Mood swings

It’s natural to have mood swings due to the flood of hormones in your body. They can make you emotional and weepy.

Unusual food cravings and aversions

Your body is preparing itself to grow your baby. You might become sensitive to few odours and might crave for food you had never liked or might feel hungry all day long. This is completely normal.

Cramping, back pain and headaches

A mild uterine cramping is normal to experience while you’re pregnant. This may also include pain in your head and back.

If you miss your periods, or experience any of the things mentioned above, you should not stress as these are normal changes everyone experiences during pregnancy. It is, however, important that you relate these changes with pregnancy only if you have a confirmed lab report as they might be caused due to other underlying conditions or lifestyle factors also.

Disclaimer: Indian Health Bureau does not claim any responsibility for the information contained in this article. The information may not hold good for everyone. The post is for general awareness only and should not be construed as a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your doctor to know what is good for you.



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